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International Model Boat Racing Association
By Racers For Racers
News and Information...

iMBRA Election Minutes- 26.09.2016
Fellow Racers, We are pleased to let you know that the 1st iMBRA Election and Meeting minutes from the meeting held on 07.08.2016, are...

iMBRA WC Summary from DMF- 17.09.2016
Dear IMBRA, Here a simple overview of where the money comes and goes at the WC 2016. Incomes from entrees, banquet and camping: €...

iMBRA WC Photos- 29.08.2016
Fellow Racers, We wanted to thank Andy Coburn and Julian Waumsley for taking and uploading some great photo's for us whilst we were busy...

Email to the iMBRA Committee- 22.08.2016
Fellow Racers, We just wanted to share this great email with you all that we have recieved from one of our newest members, as I think...

iMBRA WC Statement- 22.08.2016
Fellow Racers, iMBRA is happy that so many countries are interested in hosting a World Championship, which shows the strength of the new...

iMBRA WC Update- 17.08.2016
Fellow Racers, The iMBRA committee just wanted to thank everyone that supported the amazing World Championships in the Netherlands. From...

iMBRA Committee Election and Proposals- 17.07.2016
Dear Racers, The Committee Election and Open Meeting will be taking place at the World Championship in Haarlem on Sunday 7th August 2016...

iMBRA Committee Roles and Proposals- 13.06.2016
Fellow Racers, StartFragment Over the past 2 years the iMBRA committee have been working hard to build an organisation with strong...
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