We now have confirmation of this year's iMBRA League dates and venues.
We really hope that Covid-19 will not cause any further problems but of course this cannot be guaranteed so the league dates and venues may be subject to change if necessary.
Good luck with the upcoming season and we hope to see you all again soon.
Underlined links to Invitations / Websites
Eastern Endurance League
Klechev, Poland 27.05 - 29.05
Velenje, Slovenia 03.06 - 05.06
Duchcov, Czech Republic 24.06 - 26.06
Csongrad, Hungary 09.09 - 11.09
Kuty, Slovakia 07.10 - 09.10
Western Endurance League
Stuttgart, Germany 08.04 - 10.04
Gonzaga, Italy 07.05 - 08.05
Therdonne, France 03.06 - 06.06
Putten, Netherlands 10.09 - 11.09
Dessau, Germany 01.10 - 03.10
H&O League
Sæbyvannet, Norway 27.05 - 28.05
Contrisson, France 02.07 - 03.07
Gonzaga, Italy 16.09 - 18.09