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iMBRA WC Update- 26.09.2015

Fellow Racers,

As you all know iMBRA was formed as an organisation that is run by racers, for racers. Our aim is to promote our sport internationally and encourage high standards of driving and sportsmanship. We believe that in order to secure the future of our sport we must focus on bringing countries together to help and support each other. Anybody who has been involved in previous European or World Championships knows how much time and effort it takes to run the event and make it a success. We hope to move away from the days when one small group of people were expected to run the whole event; resulting in long days and limited time to spend as a competitor or with friends and family. Rather than the same people being stood on the pontoon or sat in the rescue boat all day we hope to get more people involved from a number of different countries.

Ideally for the Endurance and Offshore classes we would like enough volunteers so that each person will help for the duration of one class only. For example; Two volunteers would be in the rescue boat for the 3.5cc class. When the 3.5cc heats finish they leave and we have different volunteers for the 7.5cc class. This way everybody still has time to work on their own boats, go sightseeing etc and it enables the organisers to maintain consistency during all of the heats making it fairer for all competitors within that class.

For the Hydro classes it is not practical to swap volunteers after each heat so we would ask people to help for either the morning or afternoon only. Not all day.

Below you will find a guide to the roles that are available. We would like to say thank you to the people who have already put their names forward to help. If you would like to get involved please contact us via

Available roles:

Chief judge

Side judges

Pontoon official – to start the race, call dead boats, oversee the rescue boat crew, announce time remaining during the race and announce when the race has ended.

Noise meter officials

Lap scorers

Preparation area officials - responsible for calling the competitors to the race preparation area, checking competitor numbers, displaying heat lists and race results and keeping competitors up to date with important information.

Rescue boat crew

We appreciate that you may be waiting to see if you have qualified but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,

The iMBRA Committee


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As an international, worldwide and non-profit making association the iMBRA is dedicated to supporting the development and quality of model boat racing, in all forms. It shall be run by racers, for racers and therefore the objective of the iMBRA is: “To promote internationally, the highest standards in racing and co-operation to achieve common goals.
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